The Coo-ee March 105th Anniversary Five Crowns

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Coo-ee- Call to Arms Five Crowns

Fully layered with pure 24-carat gold Five Crown Coin, commemorates the courage and sacrifice of William Hitchen and the Coo-ee Marchers and those who gave their lives in war and their important place in the Anzac legend. Only 1,915 will be minted.

Impressively measures at 65mm in diameter
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Men like William Hitchen continue to make Australia great. And small towns like Gilgandra where Hitchen lived remain the backbone of our nation. The spirit of community within these towns have given Australia some of its greatest heroes. Bill Hitchen is one of them. His despair at the waning numbers of men who volunteered for service after the tragedy of Gallipoli instilled in him a sense of purpose to change that situation. Realising freedom, security and all that his country had given him was in danger, he organised a recruitment march to bolster numbers. As their numbers swelled, Hitchen and his men reminded a nation of what was at stake. Never to be forgotten William Hitchen and the Coo-ee Marchers are today honoured in the new ‘The Coo-ee March 105th Anniversary Five Crowns’, available exclusively from The Bradford Exchange.

‘Coo-ee! Come and join us’ was the call reported to greet townspeople as the Coo-ee Marchers travelled their 515km journey. That rousing sense of expectation has been brilliantly captured by the master minters of The Commonwealth Mint. The finely rendered detail in the marching men conveys the purpose and pride they spread along their one month journey to Sydney. The banner held high reveals the inspiring message ‘Come on boys join us’. The date of the march, the journey and its name are incused around the edge of the coin as a lasting tribute to a moment in Anzac history which still touches our lives profoundly in the 21st century. Minted to Proof standards, the highest possible quality, it is entirely layered with pure 24-carat gold. The technical complexities of striking at such a large diameter ensures that the worldwide mintage has been set remarkably low, at just 1,915. Impressively sized at 65mm in diameter and weighing 110 grams. You will receive an informative numbered Certificate of Authenticity and a prestigious case included at no additional cost. Strong demand is expected, so don’t miss out! Order yours today!

ENDORSED BY THE DEFENCE FORCE WELFARE ASSOCIATION - The Bradford Exchange proudly supports the Defence Force Welfare Associate whose aim is to promote and protect the conditions and well-being of the Defence Family that embraces over three million people.


This exclusive ‘The Coo-ee March 105th Anniversary Five Crowns’ from The Bradford Exchange features:

  • Recall the Coo-ee Marchers who travelled 515km in their journey with the ‘The Coo-ee March 105th Anniversary Five Crowns’ exclusive to The Bradford Exchange
  • The finely rendered detail in the marching men conveys the purpose and pride they spread along their one month journey to Sydney
  • The banner held high reveals the inspiring message ‘Come on boys join us’
  • The date of the march, the journey and its name are incused around the edge of the coin as a lasting tribute to a moment in Anzac history which still touches our lives profoundly in the 21st century
  • Minted to Proof standards, the highest possible quality, it is entirely layered with pure 24-carat gold
  • Impressively sized at 65mm in diameter and weighing 110 grams
  • You will receive a prestigious case included at no additional cost
  • Strict worldwide edition limit of only 1,915
  • Comes with an Official Certificate of Authenticity