Please enter in your street address excluding apartment and unit numbers e.g. 123 Smith Street into the Street Address field.
As you type your location into the Street Address field your address matches will present below in a list. Select your address matches from the possible matches found. Select your correct street address by clicking on the exact match or closest match in the list.
In the below field ‘Address Prefix’ please enter in all relevant prefixes associated with your address. This includes the building level, apartment, unit and suite numbers etc.
In the main window your address details should be populated correctly in the fields as stipulated above. Please check your address details are correct before proceeding with checkout to ensure your item is shipped to your chosen address. .
If you have a PO Box or locked bag equivalent and your address can not be found please type in the Street Address field manually your box address. Please find some examples below to assist:
PO Box
Type in your PO Box address with box number on one line within the Street Address field.
Street Address/PO Box
PO Box 6878
Locked Bag
Type in your Locked Bag address with the locked bag number on one line within the Street Address field.
Street Address/PO Box
Locked Bag 1000
Type in your RMB address with the RMB number on one line within the Street Address field.
Street Address/PO Box
RMB 1109
Type in your GPO Box address with the box number on one line within the Street Address field.
Street Address/PO Box
GPO Box R1245
If you further assistance with your order online please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 278 267 (lines open 8am - 5pm EST Mon-Fri).